Cassie Clark.
epic shit.


Time Management


Time Management has been a topic of issue in the design world- how do I take a platform that is supposed to be creative; place it in a business model and expect creatives to consetnly preform at a vigorous rate. 

I for one am a type A personality and have a problem sitting still or over prioritizing what I think I can do within a day. I make lists for projects, list for my days both professionally and personally and have cracked the way I perform by allowing myself the delicate balance of being a blue sky conceptual thinker on a mission to land planes and get things done. 

Here is how I manage my time; 

Break down of projects with the incomplete tasks that need to be tackled. 


Then I break down the days knowing what projects will come first in terms of priority. 


I will block out timing in hours of chunks (knowing how long something will take me) and assemble my day around the items I need to get done. What happens during my normal day are the conversations with co-workers or the influx of meetings throughout the day of the day which my priority lists normally do not allocate for- however somehow everything always gets done. 

Let me know your thoughts about managing your time- do you find lists help?