Cassie Clark.
epic shit.


New Year Wishes to the Universe.

I have been off the grid for a few months in preperation for our little bundle, and then taking care of our little bundle- but I am back with more content ready to roll out- 


Every year I have wishes to the universe things I hope to accomplish during the year.  I do not like to call them resolutions because I am not trying to fix any broken behaviors- 

This year when I made my wishes to the universe- they all related back to my daughter. Becoming a mother has shifted my priorities and made me realize the importance of balance. Balance with the love I have for design but also the love I have for my family.  I have always called my goals as wishes to the universe; I find them less imtamating then calling them resoultions or goals.  


  • Provide a Loving and Creative Home for my Daughter

  • Change the World

  • Stay Focused and Retain Drive

  • Have Love and Compassion

  • Become a Great Mother 

  • Be a Great Wife 

  • Be a Great Leader 

  • Fearlessness

  • Write Each Day ( I keep a daily journal helps me retain my sanity)

  • Draw and Paint More

photo credit: instagram @petiteinsanities

photo credit: instagram @petiteinsanities

Cheers to a fantastic 2018!